Andrew Bridger

Fundraising Insights

How to Write a Winning Lapsed Donor Letter
As a fundraiser, you know that reactivating lapsed donors takes significant time and effort. But if your lapsed ...
Does Direct Mail for Nonprofits Still Work?
Does direct mail for nonprofits still work? The truth—direct mail fundraising is still a reliable revenue ...
How to Plan Your End-of-Year Giving Campaign
A strong, end-of-year giving campaign is critical to a non-profit’s success, as 30 percent of all giving happens ...
How to Write a Compelling Nonprofit End-of-Year Letter
Whether your nonprofit’s end-of-year campaign begins on November 1 or with Giving Tuesday, year-end giving is ...
How to Segment Donors for End of Year Fundraising
More than 30 percent of all charitable giving happens in December. Is your end-of-year appeal as effective as ...
Raise the Most Money with Your Direct Mail Fundraising
We live in a digital world. But when it comes to fundraising for nonprofits, direct mail is still the ...
How to Use a Fundraising Gift Range Calculator to Elevate Your Strategy
Fundraisers constantly seek ways to streamline their efforts and raise more money. Suppose your nonprofit has a ...
Why You Need to Increase Recurring Donations (and How to Get Them!)
Recurring giving is on the rise. According to the latest M+R Benchmarks 2022 study, monthly giving grew by 24% in ...
How Nonprofits Define Major Donors & Create a Major Donor Strategy
Have you ever asked yourself, what is a major donor? How nonprofits define major donors will vary from ...
5 Common Mistakes Nonprofits Make (and how to avoid them)
Improving your fundraising game doesn’t have to be complicated or costly. Sometimes, the key to improving your ...
How to Use a Fundraising Gift Range Calculator During Donor Meetings
Fundraisers understand the importance of having effective strategies and tools to ensure the success of ...

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