Emily Jetter

Fundraising Insights

Top Three Reasons to Use Wealth Screening for Nonprofits
Understaffed nonprofit organizations may find themselves seeking ways to maximize fundraising staff time. ...
A How-To Guide for Setting Fundraising ROI Benchmarks
It’s tempting to celebrate victories in fundraising by just looking at dollars raised, but don’t forget to measure ...
Understanding How AI for Fundraising Can Help Your Nonprofit
Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the latest technology shift to hit the news. It has potential uses across ...
Everything You Need to Know about Nonprofit Gift Processing
Fundraising professionals know that their efforts to raise support for their nonprofit mission do not end when the ...
Annual Appeal Fundraising Ideas for Your Nonprofit’s Checklist
You might be surprised to learn as much as 30 percent of all giving happens in December. Additionally, as much as ...
How To: Donor Segmentation for End-of-year Fundraising
Fundraising professionals recognize that year-end fundraising is essential to raising support for their nonprofit ...
Giving Society Benefits: Do They Work in Fundraising?
Do giving societies work? The simple answer is yes. We live in a world where many societies or membership programs ...
How to Create a New Donor Welcome Kit to Help Retain Donors
A plan to steward your donors is essential for any development department, but your nonprofit should have a plan ...
8 Fundraising Strategies to Improve End-of-Year Giving
A robust and well-thought-out end-of-year giving campaign is crucial for any nonprofit fundraising strategy. The ...
How to Ask for Donations at Year-End for Fundraising Success
Even the most seasoned fundraising professionals at nonprofit organizations sometimes wonder if they have captured ...
Using Automation Tools Beyond the Fundraising Letter
Personalizing donor communication is necessary for any successful fundraising effort. Potential and loyal donors ...
Understanding Pledges vs. Donations in Fundraising Campaigns
In fundraising, understanding pledge vs. donation can be an essential distinction. There are many pros and cons ...
3 Tips for Using Ask Strings on Fundraising Pledge Cards
You wrote a stellar appeal letter. Now, you’re staring at the computer screen, wondering what to do with the tired ...
Eight Resolutions for Nonprofit Fundraising in January
January is a time of year when many people set resolutions, but it can also be a terrific time for fundraisers to ...
Create the Best Donation Receipt Letter for Tax Purposes
Do you know a donor who wakes up on January 1 ready to do their taxes? Nonprofit organizations must be ready to ...
Interview with an Expert: Nonprofit Donor Database Clean-Up
Tackling nonprofit donor database clean-up can seem like a cumbersome task. Getting a jump-start at the beginning ...
Ask an Expert: Nonprofit Capital Campaigns and Pledge Cards
For even the most seasoned development professionals, nonprofit capital campaigns can come with a bit of ...
Setting Up Campaigns, Appeals, and Funds in Raiser’s Edge
Every nonprofit organization needs a stellar CRM or constituent relationship management software for their ...
The Psychology of Giving: Why Do Donors Become SYBUNTs
Donor retention is a top metric when measuring fundraising success. Retaining donors is more cost-effective than ...
Future-Proofing Nonprofits with Fundraising Automation
We live in a fast-paced, quickly innovating world. Both nonprofit organizations and for-profit businesses wish to ...
Quick Tips to Encourage Nonprofit Monthly Donations
A monthly or recurring giving program can be a fantastic opportunity to retain donors, increase their annual total ...
What You Need to Know: Hiring a Fundraising Consultant
Nonprofit organizations may consider hiring a fundraising consultant for large projects, such as during a capital ...
How to Get and Retain Monthly Recurring Donations
Every nonprofit fundraiser hopes there will be donations coming in the door month after month. A recurring ...
Safeguarding Donor Data in the Nonprofit Donor Database
Accurate donor data is a critical component of any fundraising effort. Nonprofits need data to find donors who ...
What Fundraisers Need to Know About Donor-Advised Funds
Fundraisers know that to continue acquiring new donors, they must offer various giving opportunities. Traditional ...

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